Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Well we have finally made it to our base city, Herrnhut Germany. Its a small little village about an hour car ride from Dresden. We spent the last 2 days wandering around Dresden. It was a beautiful city filled with lots of Baroque architecture, it really felt like we were seeing history books come to life. Money ran a little short the past few days. We ate a lot of these jelly doughtnuts that were about a euro a piece and were the size of keith's head. They kept us full for the most part, but I wont be sad if I never have to eat one again. Thankfully money was wired to my account and we were able to splurge on a meal at burger king. The staff from our base picked us up last night and we went back home with them. Keith is being lodged in the mens staff house and I have my own room in the womens apt. Its quite lovely. We had dinner last night with our co leader rebecca, it was so thoughful of her to invite us in and get to know us a little better. Rebecca swears she isnt a good cook (i doubt it, but the girl can bake, WOW) so she had me make the pasta sauce. I would have to say that my weekly cooking lessons with Deb paid off. The sauce was a big hit! Thanks Deb :) We are living here til saturday, thats when we will be moved over to the caslte to live with all the other students. They should start arriving tomorrow and on throughout the weekend.

Would up load photos but its taking too long. Im gonna go wander to the store to get food.

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