Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dachau Concentration Camp

The little German lady at the front desk said, with chills, that everyone should go one time to Dachau concentration camp so that you could see and respect what went on there.

They said it was a place where you were beat nearly to death if you were caught praying...



Outside of detention cells. far left is the wall where prisoners where executed
Inside detention cells. no light, food every 4 days

Grounds: Barrack remains/foundations and Guard tower

Jewish Temple


  1. Amazing images...i had to hold back the tears as i thought about the atrocities that took place there. the very beginning of your journey there is a visit to a place of death... that the last image is a dark hallway and off in the distance there is a light and an open gate... my prayer is that you leave all the dead things in the dark hallway and step thru the door and into the light.

  2. Wow, this is so impressive D: I cannot imagine such pain.
    And to think about people loving God even while being in there, and who dared to look out for Him even while threatened (as it still happens with a lot of people in other countries) it encourages me. Our God is so worthy.
    I think some christian Germans were imprissioned in places like that as well for proclaiming God´s word, isn´t it?
