Saturday, May 8, 2010

the adventure continues...

so im leaving back in 2 months...talked to keith yesterday he's doing great and having the time of his life.

its surreal to finally be leaving but we see why we had to stay back this week. all that we learned and needed to be prepared for before we left.

leave your addresses or emails if you want updates from the field. will try to as much as possible...

keep my team in prayers for finaces, heath, provision, safety and UNITY!

i love you all...thanks for all the support....


Saturday, May 1, 2010

hiccup in travel plans...

so keith and his team are leaving today, little sad to sad good bye. my team should be on a train to frankfut germany right now to take our flight out tomorrow morning but unfortunately we did not get our visas in time and we had to change our flights til next week. its taking all the money our team had to re book our tickets. so now we will be going on outreach, but with no money for the team budget. god is really gonna have to provide a miracle in the finance department, but i know he will he is always faithful in that. but yea just keep my team in your prayers...we will find out monday what we will be doing all week maybe heading out on little mini outreaches thru the country r one of the close neighboring ones.

so yeah ill still be able to get ahold of for the next week if ya wanna skype and suchh!
