Thursday, April 29, 2010

last post for a while...

so we've been pretty bad keeping up with this thing, and its probably just gonna get worse. its really hard to put into words all that we have been through. the lecture phase of DTS is over and this saturday we will be leaving on our outreaches. keith and i will not be going to the same countires so we will be seperated for 2 1/2 months. its pretty cool thought to see how God has placed each of us on teams that completly fit who we are in HIM. for safety reasons we cannot talk about where we are going, but when we get back we will be able to share our stories and photos. just know that we are going out to change the world, spead his love and take lots of photos!

thank you all for contuning to pray for us while we are gone, for safety, finances and just keeping our hunger for God. we are gonna have it hard, but man its so gonna be worth it.

we still need lots of money for our outreach, but we still have faith God is going to provide the money we need. you can continue to donate to us thru our paypal if you feel that God has put it on your heart to be apart of our stories.

thanks for supporting us in prayer and faith.

we cant wait to come back and tell you first hand just how unreal these last 4 months have been...

until july ... be blessed...we love you all

keith and irish

oh we are available thru email at and

Sunday, April 11, 2010

With this link you can help us with support for our outreach. We leave in 3 weeks and need about 5.000 dollars... I know its a lot of money, but God is awesome and raised 7,000 in an hour at our base the other day. We know it will all come in and are really excited to see how its gonna happen. I hope you all can be apart of our story and what we are doing here!

Keith and Irish

Saturday, April 10, 2010

keith finaly posts something

So ya, i really dont know how to explaine how life is out here; learning something new about God everyday, living in community with other believers, raising 7000 Euros in an hour for our school from kids in our school that dont have enough money for their own life and planing crazy mission trips to some of the gnarliest most dangerious countrys in the world. I guess its how life should be all the time, I guess we just have to choose to live like that.

Ya its crazy, God is so real its

i love him, he loves us-periode.

its as simple as that, as stupid and messed up and unbeleivable as that sounds, that is the core and revelation of what it is to chill with God and do His will. relasionship with Jesus.

So ya, thats kinda whats been going through my head lately. The best part is that stuff is real, its not some story read off by a preacher, not some "feeling" in my stomach, its real, its life with JC.

Irish and i still dont have enough money. We came here with not enough and have been provided for in freaking crazy ways! we still need and our fellow students still need a boat load of money. So keep reading to see how god provides the piles of cash for our DTS, wait and see God provide for his freinds. its gonna be AWESOME! GO GOD!

Miss you all. ill try and post some pics ha!


keith finaly posts somethng

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

umm today God gave me an ipod.

i was sitting with my satori in front of the penny market and we were having a p b and j picknic out side and i was like man i dont wanna do work duty today because i dont have my ipod anymore...and to my surprise when i got back from doing said work duty and humming to myself i
found on my bed a little heart shaped box with an ipod in it. mine died after romania when i was debating deleting all the music off because most of it was died the day after.i had an ibrick from 2004 now i have a lovely little silver nano in color!!! and i only put music on it that i owned...which is about 15 cd's, none that are worship music except 2 phil cd's i have. looks like i need to start praying for some itunes gift cards! but wow, i honesltly cant even express how shocked i am.

GOD IS SO GOOD, and not just cause he gives me stuff. hahaha but beacuse i dont have to sit in my brokenness any more and he constantly reminds me how much he loves me.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

So I finally have a few minuets of free time to try to put into words all that has been going on here in the past month or so. We just got back last week from our mini outreaches. It was such a learning experience for us all. It was time to put into use all that we have been learning during the lecture phase of our DTS. On March 20th my amazing team of 10 other people departed on a train to Romania. The train was 24 hours long and split up into 2, 12 hour train rides. The first train took us to Budapest Hungary were we would stay for the night and catch our train to Romania the following day. We didnt get to see much of the city that night since we got in so late. We stayed at a hostel and ventured back to the train station early the next morning to find a train to Romania. I forgot to tell you the theme for our team was blind faith in God. Boy did he let us experience that. We decided that we would just go and let God lead us a we got to the places he was calling us to go. So we went to find a train to Romania but saw that we had missed it by 13 minuets, there was one more leaving later that night so we had the rest of the day to wander around Budapest (which was a nice little blessing from God) we hung out at the metro station and talked with some homeless young adults. We took photos, sketched drawings, and played worship music with them all right there in front of the station. It was a very liberating experience. After our wonderful day in Budapest, we got on a train headed to Sighisoara Romania, a city at the base of the Traslyvanian mountains. Its where Dracula's castle is (which on our last day we got to go to and it was more like a tower than a castle however it was still beautiful) The next part of the journey can be better explained here in my friend Bethany Nagen's blog...all credit to her on the detailed train experience...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Birth of Team: "Did that REALLY just happen?"

So I’ll have a bunch of blog posts coming up about Romania, and to start it off I want to start with the beginning, with our arrival in Romania. It was epic.
So by a couple of mishaps which gave us many fun times, we ended up on a night train from Budapest, Hungary to Sighisoara, Romania. It was not easy to sleep, and after going through exit immigration in Hungary, and then Entry into Romania, we were finally able to sleep. Our team leader set an alarm to wake us up an hour before we were supposed to arrive in Romania…

To set the scene:
Compartment 1: Corban, Zach, Ashley, Cassie, Laura, and Hannah
Compartment 2: Jardena, and Bethany
Compartment 3: Irish, Dom, and Angie.

I was sleeping somewhat peacefully with Jardena in compartment 2. At one point Jardena gets up and asks Corban “Shouldn’t we be arriving soon?” He says no, and assures her he has an alarm set. She comes back and we go back to sleep. Not much later Corban wakes up at a train stop, and happens to look out the window and notices the train station sign says “Sighisoara” He yells out in comp. 1 “Guys guys, this is our stop!” The train only stops for about 30 seconds at a station.

Zach immediately turns into a robot and grabs his stuff and heads out. On his way to the door he stops in Car 2 and tells Bethany and Jardena “This is our stop” and moves on, every man for himself, he disembarks.

Corban is trying to corral the people in his car, each person grabbing as much luggage as they can before rushing off the train, but he realizes he is in the way of them grabbing their stuff. He leaves his compartment, and thinks, “If I get off the train, they’ll realize that people are getting off and wait.” So Corban heads towards the door. Cassie is then able to get into the car and sees that Corban has left his small bag which contains all the teams money, his passport, and some of our return tickets. She says “Corban really??” and grabs the bag. Although Corban planned on having the train wait while we got off, unfortunately the train doesn’t care if people need to get off, it will leave anyway. So as the train starts moving Corban and Zach are alone on the platform, watching the train move away. However, Laura, Ashley, Cassie, and Hannah rushed to the door to get off. Knowing time was running out Laura jumped off the moving train. Ashley hesitated for a moment, but as the train began to pick up speed she took a flying leap of faith out of the rushing train. Unfortunately she also happened to take Cassie’s bag along with her. From Cassie’s perspective her bag fell under the train tracks, however Corban in full superman style swooped in and rescued her bags from certain peril and destruction. The four of them stood on the platform watching the train roll away with the other seven members of the team. At this moment Corban realizes, “I don’t have my little bag. You have got to be kidding me. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!” And begins to run down the platform after the train carrying Irish’s camera bag and Cassie’s large backpack.

Meanwhile on the train, Cassie was about to jump off after Ashley, but she was stopped by a train attendant who grabbed her and held her forcefully on the train. Cassie tried to explain to the Romanian man that this was their stop. And by explain, I mean she squealed in a high pitched voice, “This is our stop! You don’t understand this is our stop! The train is early! THE TRAIN IS EARLY!” While the full fury of her panic came out through her shaking hands. Hannah stood behind her, offering the small bit of solace that she could.

While this is going on, Jardena searched the train for Angie, Irish, and Dominic. No one knew where they went. Earlier in the night an angry drunk Romanian family came into their compartment which was next to the rest of ours and yelled at them til they left.

I never really understood that we missed our stop…I thought we were just approaching it. So I’m standing in my car putting my stuff together. Angie, Irish, and Dom’s stuff was all in our cart too. The train stops suddenly, because the train attendant pulled the emergency break. Another attendant came to my compartment and grabbed me and pushed me to the door. I resisted because I didn’t want to leave everyone’s stuff, but he pushed me down the corridor and to the door. As the attendant herded me down the corridor, Jardena came up, still not having found the other three. She began screaming their names hoping to wake them up, as she too was escorted off the train. I climbed out onto the middle of the train tracks. This was the first clue I had that we weren’t where we were supposed to be, when I climbed down the side of the train landing on rocks and saw no train station.

The eight of us who made it off the train began to run up and down along the tracks hoping to see our missing three team members in their car. People in the train were taking pictures of us and we ran around in panic. Finally a train attendant figured out that there were more people on the train and located Irish, Dom, and Angie. He barged into their car yelling for them to get out, (a theme for them for the night) and they in a half-asleep stupor landed on the ground, wondering aloud, “Guys, what just happened?”

The moment their feet hit solid ground the train screeched away into the night. The eleven of us (thankfully all eleven of us) were left standing dumbfounded, with nothing to do but breath, and ask “Did that REALLY just happen?”

Once we collected our wits, we began to take inventory, and give each other the belongings that we grabbed for each other. Irish had her camera which she thought she forgot. Cassie presented Corban with his little bag (that is most defininately NOT a purse) A few girls walked back to the platform where they had jumped off the train and found some clothes and Cassie’s wallet with her passport. After all was said and done, the only things left behind were a water bottle, and 6 return tickets home. Considering we nearly left half the team behind, we all agreed, we did pretty good. We walked into the train station, and realized that there had been a one hour time change when we crossed the boarder. As we sat down to catch our breath, Corban’s watch beeped.

“Hey Guys, it’s time to get up, we’ll be there in about an hour.”

"Did that REALLY just happen?"

Once we collected ourselves and our belongings we found our ride and headed to a small gypsy village called Soard, which would be our home for the next week. We were blessed enough to get to stay for free at the church in the village, the pastor and his wife and thier amazing gyps family opened their home and hearts for us. We didnt just get to stay there we got to experience life as gypsies. There was no running water in the town so we used a well outside our house to wash our dishes and brush our teeth. We didnt shower or change our clothes at all for the week and man did we stink. When we got back to Germany our other teammates couldnt even stand to be in the same room as us and i think on the train ride home we successfully cleared the car of all the other people in it. But that is all a side note...what we learned through this experience was more than we could have ever hoped. Just what God showed us in that week are lessons we will never forget. We spent a lot of time with the kids in town. They are some of the dirtiest poorest love seeking children i have ever see, yet they had so much joy. They took a liking to us immediatly and never left our sides the whole week. The first night we were there we went up on top of the mountain and all the village kids met us up there ( probably about 40 + kids) and we just played and played for hours. No matter how dirty they were we didnt hold back any love. We just poured out everything we had and hopefully what we gave them made a difference. Throughout the week we lead childrens bible school, preached at a hungarian gypsy church service, i gave a message to a group of young adults about finding your value and identity in God. We did other things like washing cars, carpets and painting the little girls of the town nails. It was such a great time. It was definelty good preparation for India and Nepal and just adapting to a developing nation and the things we will face.

I leave for India and Nepal on May 2nd. We have a lot of great ideas of what to do there. Lots of service stuff and seetting up a cafe and darkroom. Hmm I guess not only my photo background but my starbucks experience will be useful in this outreach too. We have a great team and great leaders. I think this is going to be a very fruitful experience.

Its weird that we only have a month left in Germany. Its hard to split of into 3 groups and to have to spend 2 1/2 months away from these new friends. But it comes with the territory here and we know that what God has for us is more important and its the reason why we are here. We come back July 15th and then have 2 weeks left in Germany and then its home sweet home. Which I am so excited for. I cant wait to come back share stories, photos and get ready to see what the next step is. Gods been speaking and there is a lot of exciting stuff he wants me to do, so we will see how long im back in good old Santa Barbara for.

Sorry this isnt very detailed but its something. The photos are what I experienced, there are just a few ... gotta wait for the rest for when I get back...the scanning job was bad so this isnt what my finals will look like when I get home. But they will work for now to give you and idea of our experience...they are all film, shot on my hassleblad, who has become like an extra appendage to me....

Its easter. I miss home.